Friday, October 4, 2013

Leave behind the stories you tell yourself...

The stories you tell yourself that are negative, such as: you'll never lose weight, find someone to love and be with as a permanent partner, whatever that is, and the other miriad of negative things we tell ourselves.  Leave them behind.  They like the letter you keep from an old friend or love about why things didn't/couldn't work out.  These things or thoughts are counter productive. Let them go.

I'm loving these OWN Sunday life seminars.  One day, I may have the channel to watch some of these shows.  Just what. I need, more t.v.!  For now though ner newsletters are motivational and more than enough for inner exploration.

I'm heading  YA book called The book Thief by Markus Zusak, a National book award winner and on the N.Y. Times bestseller's list along with Oprah's.  It's the story of a 12 y.o. German Jewish girl living in Germany during WW2, who steels books from the major's wife's library of books slated to be burned.  She then shares them with others in her community and they are saved and read during air raid attacks.  It is over 515 Pgs. hardback.  It may be too much a read for Abby.  So far the narrator is the soul collector and his observations. Now that I'm I to it a bit more it's not so bad.  The OpenGL though has a mom having to give up her two children because she can't feed them and is taking them to foster care.  The boy dies on the way and the sister watches this, then see's her mom carry him until he is buried.  Then Liselle is turned over to the foster parent's.  The mom seems a harridan, but has some warmth, the father, a musician, teaches her to read and is more caring and kindly.  The new parents are poor but they have an apt.

I'm off to make some soup, weed wack my Wildflower bed out front and sell some stock.  The stock got done mostly.  I need to do one more purchase.

Micaela gave me her Sapir Brita picture.  I used to have one when they were still round as the filters still are.  I've been using the filtered water for my sun tea trying to see if I can taste the difference.  I'm not sure yet.  I'd like a filter for the house lines.

The wildflower weeding had to wait.

I had a friend come over instead.

The S.F. SPCA is having it's adoption fair tomorrow and I am volunteering along with other alumni as a community event.  At this moment I don't feel like going.  I wanted to go because I don't often get into the city, it's in the Mission, and there is parking.  I'll see how I feel in the morning.

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