Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Every day above the griound is a good one!

This 3rd day, I thought they were a bit better.  Then I was lulled over lunch and my planning period, then my 6th period hit. They are my lowest.  I also have a single student who knows no English, so she sets a seperate plan.  Getting them to settle is hard. I asked the principal to drop in but she's only come when things are o.k.

I notice that each takes a while to resettle after each paper. Yesterday I tried to send out one student that at least showed the class she pushed too hard and there are reprocussions. I signed up to bring something for our Halloween potluck tomorrow.  First it was carrot cake.  Then I noticed it was for brunch.  I'd rather have oatmeal, but I'll make strata.

I have a horrid  little boy and two teen girls who love to giggle and disrupt the whole class.  They can't leave till I release/excuse them.  Today I had to send a girl out of class.  She giggles and interrupts everyone.  Those two and maybe 6 others just try patience and icky.cheat  the others of time and help.
She is 12.
I've talked to her and her mom twice.  I'm worried about her. I was her. Then I was transferred and did better.

I just made a strata for the Halloween Pot Luck.  Should I allow a party in class?  Behavior sure doesn't warrant it.  Ironically, it may help, and the good kids suffer.
Class meeting time?
Secret cookie give away?

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