Thursday, October 3, 2013

Kirk Creek

Kirk Creek campground, where we have our reservation is Federal.  Since the government is shut down who knows what will happen by the 16th.  Kim who worked there in her reincarnation as a park ranger remembered she was a federal employee then.  There is an alternative private site nearby. Instead of the $11. A nite with pass or 22$ plus 9 for a reservation fee, this place, Limekiln, is $78. Plus a $7. Reservation fee.  However, it does have water and showers and flushing toilets that are no longer available at Kirk Creek. It's also adjacent to a pretty creek which runs down into the ocean and a flat beach.  We could take our chairs down there.  Kim said the beach was lovely, especially at night. Ah, life's decisions.... I may make a back up reservation.  Spending money not on things but experiences are what you remember.  I want to go regardless of the federal government.
We'll see. she said the last time, the government shut down for 2 weeks.

What is your calling? Do you know?  For the most part, I know mine is not teaching. Except when I was working with the 2nd grader and nurturing her in parente obstencia, it it generally tedious to me. I am not very skilled with a group of 30 or 40 kids.  I cannot "control " them enough to teach them in the old paradigm.  When I tried the new one, letting them work in their own groups, make some noise things were better.  Maybe my ridigity is part of the problem.  I really like the cocial aspects as a librarian.  I hate the tedium of cataloging, the attention to detail it requires.  Every job has those things.  I really like business.  Business school and sales really felt right.  I had the chance to watch Dad once try to sell my house.  He was masterful;an excellent salesman.  My calling feels like helping others, ironically, counseling perhaps.  I can be logical, empathathetic, sensitive, perhaps too much so and have some intuitive.  Remember the Meyers Briggs test?
Working in special Ed. Would be the means to a job not because it was the best fit.

It's cold this morning. I start the day at 7 with Lacy sneaking in to cuddle as long as I don't try to touch her.  Heaven's! The thought I might try and hold her or constrain her and pet her,,,,she meows, only near in case I want to feed her a treat for showing up to purr.  If the treats come out she'll come running.  She'll immediately come close watching to make sure I 'm not trying to trap her.  Then, holding her treat or bites in the cap, they smell nasty to me, she will stick her nose in my hand to gobble them as quick as she can, look for more and slink away.  She likes to sit in the copy paper box top out of arm's reach in her safety cocoon watching everything.  Having washed the comforter bedspread and sheets, I'm just happy she want's to keep her ever present cat hair there!  I found some yesterday while vacuuming on the rugs, chairs, water picture she drinks from, curtains she brushes against to jump up to the window sills, it's everywhere!  I insisted she be short hair too!

I made a batch of oatmeal with raisins, cinnamon, brown sugar with fresh either boysenberries or blackberries I got yesterday at the farmer's market.  By 10 the morning fog had burned off again.
October weather is a secret for locals.  It is the best month here.

"You can choose courage or you can choose comfort, but you cannot have both." B.Bret. "Joy is the scariest thing to seek."

I started off with a long hair,  orange stray tabby I fed old frozen fish. I took it to be groomed almost bald it was so matted and called him Kitty Whiskers after my childhood friend that lived under a big evergreen next door.  I sometimes used to sneak him food, milk and feed him on the portch.  On rare occasion I would seak him in my room for a time.  I don't think anyone knew about him.  Then I got my precious dog, Prince.  Oh I loved that puppy!  Ironically, both the boy in the back alley and I got one of the litter.  While my puppy was smothered with love and cuddles and was kind and sweet, the other was trained to be rough and tussle with boys. I was in 5th grade that year and we moved from that big house on Gainsville St. In S.W. Or E. Washington D.C. to Alexandria, VA in new town
houses on Southland Ave.  His days were numbered there.  My beautiful golden lab wasn't allowed there.  Before we got him, we got a Sheppard from the pound, Cinderella.  She was too much for me.  She would jump out of our yard into the neighbors every time.  We took her back. Too many early bad habits.  Although Prince would get bigger or the same size when grown, the puppy was a better start.  I brought him home inside my coat.

Bob and Mickey were off to college and in 66 I was in 6th grade when my dad said "he took him out to a couple in the country on a farm."  I to this day want to know where he really went.  Dad stuck to that story till the end.  I asked until 1983. It seems I had him less than six mo. From winter to summer, maybe four mo.  I wonder why we got a dog at all given those parameters and circumstances.  I know I'd forget and mom would feed him.  Dad would keep him company in the afternoons waiting in the living room until my bus would carry me home.  I do know I'd bring him bones.  He was teething and got to the legs of mom's sofa!  I'd stop in the A &P at the bus stop on PA Ave. near my school, and ask for a none for Prinie all the time.  Those were the days when bones were free.  What I know of dogs I know from him.

I have a Dr.'s apt. this morning.  It was canceled from Mon. and rescheduled for today.  I've been trying to get in for about 2 yrs.  I've been in to the acute clinic, had a referral, been assessed prior and finally one more time today by the Dr.  Kaiser was easier.  I'd go once a year, get refill's in 90 day increments for a year. These people want you to see a Druid every mo. or so.  Too often, in my case, not necessary.  Give me the med's and go away pls.  I'll let you know if I need anything else and when.  She kept me waiting almost 30 min. And I was her first apt.  she did yet another history, but did write a script for my drugs and labs.  I'll see her again in 2 was then be assigned a Dr.

There was a book sale going on in front of the lab.  I love to see books.  There are such great things out there.

My brother Michael has a birthday on the 19th and Emily's Ethan, grand nephew, have birthday's this mo.

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