Saturday, October 26, 2013

Alum Rock

I got a call from the Alum Rock school district letting me know my fingerprints came back and it turned into a full time teaching job starting Mon.  I am a bid uneasy about a few aspects, but we'll see how it goes.  I have things to decorate the classroom, organizers, materials, all the books and I'll be ready for Mon.
The kids had their real teacher one day.  She is out.  She has cancer.  Since then, a number of subs have come through.  They need continuity, firmness, to get on a schedule, to know what to expect and so do their parents.
The bad part is the existing sub. Doesn't know Fri. was his last day.  It's a rude way to find out.  The kids don't know.

Monday will be a lot like the first day of school.  These kids don't rotate, so I'll have them all day, from 8:30  -2:30 or so. 6 hrs with a prep.  Then all the kids go to an extended day program until 6.  The area is poor, largely Hispanic.  The Second Harvest Food truck delivers to the school for parents.  They are title one, all the kids get fed.  They get breakfast, a snack and lunch then another snack after school.

I spent the day gathering materials and going through books for Mon.
I did stop by the library to get some bookmarks for the kids, some books for me to test them and a bag of books for a classroom library.  I also checked out a book to read to them.

Then, I tried to finish my own book and made a pan of delicious chicken enchilladas.  I cooked the chicken last night.  Now I have stock for soup too.

I've got all these ideas on how I want things to go.  I hope the kids are receptive.  By now they have had so many changes, I'm sure they are a bit squirmy.

I've been trying to stock up so I have stuff or lunches and dinners too.
I want to get there early to decorate the classroom, make copies and settle in.

I just love this beautiful Indian Summer weather, the leaves are starting to turn and fall.  By mid Thanksgiving they will all have turned.

I got my settlement papers.  I need to go to trial on 11/5? Why?  I emailed my attny.

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