Monday, October 28, 2013

George Middle

As first day's go, it wasn't bad.  As expected, there were a few subtle battles.  I am the 7th teacher they've had.  I can see why temper's may run hot.  It's tough anywhere/ time there are 25 of them and one you!.  I do have an aide first period, who is the same as after school.  She's firm, has rapport with the kids and is great.
By the time 6th period, ELD came, I was knackered.  Fortunately, I have a prep period before hand. They were a trial.  Not all understand English and their skills are low.  One girl only speaks Spanish.
I spoke to her a bit, but she was called out of class and I had to get them moving on a lesson.  I didn't have the book,so I borrowed one from a student.and, of all things, they are learning grammar, parts of speech.  Tomorrow, I may try a game with them.

I came in and fell asleep for an hr.  I stayed there till 4, got home by 5, there were some construction delalays so I took a back way also avoiding the freeway.  The rush hr. here goes from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.  On weekends it was faster.  This morning I was up at 6, but wrote and peddled in the kitchen until 7:30.  Of course I got stuck in traffic, construction and the elementary school next door drop off.  I squeezed in @ 8:17 or so.  I found  two student sherpas to take my books to the classroom.  It would have been hard for me to carry them.  I came back at lunch to get my cooler and coffee maker from the car.  I could bring in a microwave too.

I copied my papers, but of all things, think I left them sitting in the staff room or my mail box!  I need to get a planning and roll book.  I still don't have a computer, email it picture ID.  They do that on Wed.

It's getting cold.  In the morning the temp's are enough to  wear a jacket.  By lunch it is warming.  Today the wind was cool but felt wonderful.  I was overheated copying and schlepping stuff.  I like having a free period after lunch.  I was working all the way through.  This way I got to eat my salad.

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