Thursday, October 31, 2013


Made for the pot luck.  It smells good. I can't bring myself to believe it.  Teaching is so difficult.  I know that   Besides parenting it's up there.  My meds almost got me home before I fell asleep and I stopped at Office Depot to make a list of things I need.  Fortunately it's close.  But, falling asleep at a light? Yikes!!!  I need to work on my back.

It would be nice to get to know some teachers although their were several that have introduced themselves to me.  I worked with the counselor at Sylvandale, 12 yrs. ago.
The teacher I am filling in for has cancer.  I'll make a card.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Every day above the griound is a good one!

This 3rd day, I thought they were a bit better.  Then I was lulled over lunch and my planning period, then my 6th period hit. They are my lowest.  I also have a single student who knows no English, so she sets a seperate plan.  Getting them to settle is hard. I asked the principal to drop in but she's only come when things are o.k.

I notice that each takes a while to resettle after each paper. Yesterday I tried to send out one student that at least showed the class she pushed too hard and there are reprocussions. I signed up to bring something for our Halloween potluck tomorrow.  First it was carrot cake.  Then I noticed it was for brunch.  I'd rather have oatmeal, but I'll make strata.

I have a horrid  little boy and two teen girls who love to giggle and disrupt the whole class.  They can't leave till I release/excuse them.  Today I had to send a girl out of class.  She giggles and interrupts everyone.  Those two and maybe 6 others just try patience and icky.cheat  the others of time and help.
She is 12.
I've talked to her and her mom twice.  I'm worried about her. I was her. Then I was transferred and did better.

I just made a strata for the Halloween Pot Luck.  Should I allow a party in class?  Behavior sure doesn't warrant it.  Ironically, it may help, and the good kids suffer.
Class meeting time?
Secret cookie give away?


Have them taken over the business of any

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Day 2

Well I think today went a bit better.  I still have a lot to do to gat these 6th graders learn some respect and do what we are there for, to learn.  I went in a bit early, mailed off my settlement papers.  I left them on the table in the lounge.  Fortunately they were still there and I put them in the mail.

I made some copies with this machine, but it seems I fight  with it every day. I jam it often.  I have a lot of work to cover. In three days, they have had two quizzes and 2 tests. I finally found the 6th gr. ELAC book.  I had been using a 7th grade copy I found yesterday.  I still want to teach them something and stop having to focus on their behavior.  I know the troublemakers by name.

There was a meeting too after school. I unfortunately missed it.   I made up a test and copied it.
Driving home it was all I could do that before I jammed it too.  The machine hates me.  That' s how you say it in Spanish.  It jammed on me.
I kept nodding off, falling asleep at stop lights.  I did stop and return a shawl at UPS.

My back is bothering  me a lot.  I've been taking a of drugs.  It does spasm and I have to

 I know if I have to raise my voice I've lost control.  My blood pressure goes up too.  They are testing me.

Monday, October 28, 2013

George Middle

As first day's go, it wasn't bad.  As expected, there were a few subtle battles.  I am the 7th teacher they've had.  I can see why temper's may run hot.  It's tough anywhere/ time there are 25 of them and one you!.  I do have an aide first period, who is the same as after school.  She's firm, has rapport with the kids and is great.
By the time 6th period, ELD came, I was knackered.  Fortunately, I have a prep period before hand. They were a trial.  Not all understand English and their skills are low.  One girl only speaks Spanish.
I spoke to her a bit, but she was called out of class and I had to get them moving on a lesson.  I didn't have the book,so I borrowed one from a student.and, of all things, they are learning grammar, parts of speech.  Tomorrow, I may try a game with them.

I came in and fell asleep for an hr.  I stayed there till 4, got home by 5, there were some construction delalays so I took a back way also avoiding the freeway.  The rush hr. here goes from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.  On weekends it was faster.  This morning I was up at 6, but wrote and peddled in the kitchen until 7:30.  Of course I got stuck in traffic, construction and the elementary school next door drop off.  I squeezed in @ 8:17 or so.  I found  two student sherpas to take my books to the classroom.  It would have been hard for me to carry them.  I came back at lunch to get my cooler and coffee maker from the car.  I could bring in a microwave too.

I copied my papers, but of all things, think I left them sitting in the staff room or my mail box!  I need to get a planning and roll book.  I still don't have a computer, email it picture ID.  They do that on Wed.

It's getting cold.  In the morning the temp's are enough to  wear a jacket.  By lunch it is warming.  Today the wind was cool but felt wonderful.  I was overheated copying and schlepping stuff.  I like having a free period after lunch.  I was working all the way through.  This way I got to eat my salad.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Sunday, a day of leisure...LOL, maybe, partially

I got up and went to the farmers market early.  Afterwards, I tried a shortcut and got lost going into school to drop things off. I met whe co principal, Reena, who have me her keys.  She was having a meeting with Barbara, her co administrator.  On the way to my classroom, I drove in, and by a young high school boy, who I asked if he would help me unload the car.  Fortunately he did.  I hung up some decorations, language charts, calendar, and organized a drawer, some papers and folders.  There is more to do and take in including a microwave and coffee pot, but it was good to get a little bit started.  Tomorrow it begins.  After 3 hrs I came home exhausted.
I collected my mail which my neighbor collected while we were gone last week. I can't believe they didn't bring it by.  I went over yesterday, but the family of 2 parents, 3 kids, an aunt and uncle lead busy lives.  There are at least 3 cars.  They have cousins over and two tiny dogs.
I unpacked, opened my packages and mail, took a muscle relaxer, a pain killer and collapsed.

That doesn't bode well for going back to work full time.  I foresee lots of afternoon naps.

With the help of drugs I felt much better in an hr and a half.  I got a massage this afternoon which helped a lot too.  Good hands, good conversation and dinner was a lovely agenda.

By the time dinner was done, kitchen cleaned, floors moped, bed changed and clothes washed I was in hurt again.
I just tool another pill or two. That should help me sleep well.  I scheduled a wake up call, my alarm clock no longer can be set.  I need to get another.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Alum Rock

I got a call from the Alum Rock school district letting me know my fingerprints came back and it turned into a full time teaching job starting Mon.  I am a bid uneasy about a few aspects, but we'll see how it goes.  I have things to decorate the classroom, organizers, materials, all the books and I'll be ready for Mon.
The kids had their real teacher one day.  She is out.  She has cancer.  Since then, a number of subs have come through.  They need continuity, firmness, to get on a schedule, to know what to expect and so do their parents.
The bad part is the existing sub. Doesn't know Fri. was his last day.  It's a rude way to find out.  The kids don't know.

Monday will be a lot like the first day of school.  These kids don't rotate, so I'll have them all day, from 8:30  -2:30 or so. 6 hrs with a prep.  Then all the kids go to an extended day program until 6.  The area is poor, largely Hispanic.  The Second Harvest Food truck delivers to the school for parents.  They are title one, all the kids get fed.  They get breakfast, a snack and lunch then another snack after school.

I spent the day gathering materials and going through books for Mon.
I did stop by the library to get some bookmarks for the kids, some books for me to test them and a bag of books for a classroom library.  I also checked out a book to read to them.

Then, I tried to finish my own book and made a pan of delicious chicken enchilladas.  I cooked the chicken last night.  Now I have stock for soup too.

I've got all these ideas on how I want things to go.  I hope the kids are receptive.  By now they have had so many changes, I'm sure they are a bit squirmy.

I've been trying to stock up so I have stuff or lunches and dinners too.
I want to get there early to decorate the classroom, make copies and settle in.

I just love this beautiful Indian Summer weather, the leaves are starting to turn and fall.  By mid Thanksgiving they will all have turned.

I got my settlement papers.  I need to go to trial on 11/5? Why?  I emailed my attny.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

BRCA gene

Do I/we carry the breast cancer gene?  Maybe?  Could be, but I really don't want to be tested.  It's one thing to have surgery if you need to.  Quite another to cut your breasts off as a proactive measure like Angelina Jolie. Her choice, but my opinion was crazy!

If I was given any job in the world, what would I want to do?  I like travel. Could it be a tour guide,a travel writer?  I actually did some of this.  I write well.I also like to share places and adventures with people.  I like to cook, so taking classes and lessons of different cuisines might be possible like Joanne Weir.
Well, it used to be an airline stewardess in high school.  Then if I had the math skills, maybe a pilot.  It couldn't be anything medical, despite the math because I hate the sight of blood on others, maybe that can be trained away.  I certainly would take care of Lacy if she was injured.  As a medical librarian, I was interested in the research.  I was divorced enough from the cases that it was still a bit abstract.

"Hope is a thing with feathers-
That perches on the soul -
And sings the tune without the words-
And never stops- at all-
                     Emily Dickinson

How many people have a hankering for something sweet, especially at night?
Salt water taffy can not come into my house any more!

Somehow when I make oatmeal raisin cookies they are not too tempting, but add some chocolate chips and the novelty draws me.  Cranberry quick bread is irrestible, pumpkin less so.  I wonder what apple will bring?

Carbs!  Why are they so good and comforting?
A good Halloween costume would be to go as a carb, dress in white and attach bread wrappers, cookies, rise, oatmeal, potatoes and all the rest!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Time for apples

I like crisp pipin and Fuji apples.  It's time for zucchini, apple, cranberry and pumpkin bread.
I went to the farmers market today and again realize how licky I am to live here where all this fresh produce is still available.  The blueberries, boysenberries are huge and so sweet!  I love them in my oatmeal.  Raspberries are such a treat.
Cherry and grape tomatoes are like candy.

I saw on CNN there are 10 new faces in technology I have never heard of.  I' sure there are many more.
I am taking a survey again on 11/11 on technology in teaching. They pay me $120., I give them an hr. Of my time.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

When you hold on to your history, you do it at the expense of your destiny.

Well Austin, my tutee, was remanded to Juvinal  Hall. Too bad!  I was hoping he could turn his life around and learn to read.  I imagine he's locked up with some tough boys now and Ganga.  He was from St. Louis, Lilly white, definitely a minority in there.  Just coming to CA must of been a huge change for him.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Dancing with the Stars

I love this show.
"I never found a companion that was so companionable as solitude." Henry David Thoroug

I rushed off to meet my student, Austin, to find out he was not in school today and did not show up for our tutoring.  I did get to see the h.s. Library though.  Since he has now missed 2 sessions, I have to wait to hear from the social worker to proceed,  our session for tomorrow is on hold.

His special ed and math teacher told me he was excited about learning to read.  It's great to be excited, but you have to show up.  I did.

Last night after this nice walk with Micaela, she recommended a new taco place.  I got carnitas @ Artujas's.  They were delicious.

Gas is up to $3.54.

I blanked out, slept in and didn't check my calendar today.  As a consequence, I missed a Dr. apt. today.  Fortunately, it is being rescheduled.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Beautiful day to walk!

This Oct. is so spectacular.  I went for a long walk with my friend Micaela.  Her dog Vinnie is always eager to go.  I just need to do that everyday and get my b.p. back down.

On the way home I stopped at a new place, Arujo's taqueria Micaela recommended, for a carnitas burrito for Jack and tacos for me.  Boy were they good.  It sure beat super taqueria! I won't go back there with so many other options near me.  It was so nice to see Jack again. He's called a lot, but I wanted to see him.
He said he thought I'd be sick of him after three days camping! We had a day off in between and  I wanted some time with all the "modcon's", modern conveniences we take for granted like hot water, lights, couches and being able to control the temp.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Life is the moment we're living right now

Happy birthday my brother.  It's a spectacular month here too celebrate.  The dat is gougeoud.  I cut up some kiwi, pineapple, strawberries and cantaloupe. While my oatmeal and tea heated I took the scraps out into the compost bin.

I need to pick the pieces of that shattered pot. It came up to my knee.

I got from the hospital.  I need to go back in following my mammogram for an ultra sound.  I hope lit's not just the cyst I know about that I know is benign.  Or maybe I hope it is?

Friday, October 18, 2013

Sensational camping trip to Big Sur!

October is the best month in CA.  The crowds have gone, the temps are cool in the morning and evenings, in the 60's but the days are consistently in the 70's.  We scheduled this trip at a favorite place, Kirk Creek, right on the ocean.  A small place, secluded and quiet.  This year, the government had a surprise for us and all federal parks shut down.  We arrived on Wed. The word was they were still closed but since their loans were to default, the settled?  We made alternative plans for the trip because we didn't want to be stuck.  It took us forever to get packed and get out of here.  I had to do an hr. of errands, then find all the things to take for creature comfort.

I made a quiche that was wonderful with spinach, mushrooms and ham, a T. of Dijon made it great.  I made breakfast burritos, with onion, potatoes, sausage, roasted salsa and cheese.  They were ok, but needed a better way to heat them up.  I didn't need the tortilla anyway.  We had strawberries, and tomatoes.  I also made Angel hair pasta with red pepper, crab, jack, and blue cheese with broccoli florets.  I made 2 batches I brought so much.  It's a good thing!  I had packed soap in one spice bottle, olive oil in another.  Since we arrived so late, we set up the tent in the dark , then the stove.  I wasn't paying attention until I tasted my mix.  I has poured in soap instead of oil into the pan!  After I threw that batch out, I started again, this time I got it right, but the first batch had more cheese, crab and broccoli.

We walked up to a waterfall, crossing the creek several times.  Unfortunately, I did it in my crocs.  Not the best plan for traction! We went very slow and Jack helped me up and down several places.  I was so unsure of my footing.  I brought tennis shoes which would have been better and was going to bring my boots which I needed more.  About a week or two ago, I took I flying fall after running into a shin high 25 lb. ceramic pot in my garden on the way to the compost bin at night.  I handed on my r knee. Both are still showing the effect today. I could go down on the r but not the l or the other way around.  Anyway, Jack was very solicitous, and took good care of me. I had an hour work out; my clothes were wet and my hair was soaked. More fun than going to the gym though..

Big Sur is so spectacular!  I'm glad we went.  We had another date scheduled in the September, but blew it off.  It was so hot that weekend.  Unfortunately, Kirk Creek took out their flush toilets and sinks and went to a pit toilet.  In addition, this year that has been so dry no fires are allowed.  That's a big reason we go. We did go to that site to watch the sunset last night.  They are spectacular.  We watched the first one from the beach at Limekiln.  That section is just a parking lot.  The redwood grove we were in was very nice.  Not as secluded as Kirk Creek, but that meant it was warmer. We realized last night that Kirk Creek was exposed on 4 sides or 3 and the wind was brisk off the ocean.  Usually a fog bank keeps it damp too in the morning and evening.  The raccoons and chipmunks and birds are plentiful too.  I didn't see but a single squirrel and birds in the trees, not begging in the campgrounds on on the tables.  They even have showers and flush toilets and warm water at the sinks.  Strange what we take for granted.

Picking my body in and out of the tend even with an air mattress is not a pretty site.  Our lounge chairs are a little better.  My arms are so sore!

We stopped at the Gilroy outlets on the way back, so I could return an outfit and get some soft socks in return.  Then indulged in a In and Out burger with grilled onion and iced tea. Delicious! We were a bit dehydrated.

Sunday, October 13, 2013


"Americans who think and read are patriots of the first order." Barbara Kingsolver,

I finally gave in around 3 and took a 10 mg. tab of hydrocodone 10/325.  Now I feel better. A dose that dose a that big makes me fly a bit.  Good drugs and I finally got refills on Thursday.  These were filled in 2010, so expired a bit, but hey still have some"juice", or efficacy. Now, I feel better but drowsy.  All during the last 24 hrs. Or so I've been taking these.  Usually I can read but these stronger ones had me drowsing most of the afternoon.

I finally spoke  with J on the phone not just texts.  That helped.  I knew he'd been busy and so have I, but I wanted to spend some time with him this weekend.  He was making some soup and completing some drawings.

I discovered web radio. I love it.  Prior to this I'd feed c/d's in my laptop.  My multi changer c/d player stopped working.i need to replace it, among other kitchen cabinets, counters, lightening, MBR floor and new double ovens.  Then lighting fixture's in the entry, portch and over the dining room table.  I'd like a rug under the table too.  My family room needs a lot too. I could replace my furniture to the family room, get the love seat and cough recovered, replace the carpets in the living Tom, MBR and guest room.  I'd like cream Berber r carpeting in the living room.

I'm really tempted to take this money and go to Australia and New Zealand, stopping in Samoa on the way.  Actually, I think United flies non stop to Sydney. I want to start swimiming again so I can dive their on the Great Barrier Reef.
Other places on my bucket list are Machu Pichu, Greece,Turkey, Rome, Costa Rica y Beliez.

I roasted a butternut squash, a spaghetti squash, an eggplant to purée with roasted garlic and onion, baba grouch.  It's so good to spread on crackers or bread or use as a veg. dip or in pasta.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Bad lower back

I am in agony.  I got a massage last night too.  My mobility is so limited.  I couldn't get off the toilet without help.  I've been popping the last of my hydrocodone and flexeril, a muscle relaxer as if they were candy. 20 mg. in 6 hrs.  I've been flying, but it's allowed me to move and sleep.

Despite the time I spent at home, I spent another 4 hrs.. At the library today.  I finitshed  off  my applications, copied letters off, gathered transcripts, credentials.  It takes so long to put things together. Usually they want everything like Evergreen.

I am so glad I didn't have to cook!

Heating up is a all I can manage.

I may make a quiche with ham, spinach eggs and mushrooms. crustless.  I put Dijon in it too.  That made it wonderful.

Making everything ahead and just heating up is earlier in camping too.

Jack forgot his French press, so since I had packed coffee for him that we took from our stay at the Sonoma Mission Inn last year, I grabbed some filters so he could make coffee.  He didn't realize it made a 4 cup pot and made one very strong cup of coffee.  Then I told him it was for 4 cups.  I could' imagine he used it all.  I was making my tea and showed him the qty. in my tea bag and told him I've seen coffee bags done the same way and that was the quantity he needed to use.  We drove to the store in Lucia which one day we wasn't to stay in the cliff hugging cabins, but for now, we have an occasional lunch or dinner and got coffee for $3.25 a cup, free refills.  This time he got some of the pumpkin spice coffee creamer he loves for his morning coffee.  He was so sweet and brought me a cup of tea in the tent while I slept in.  He made coffee, a fire and an hr. later when I was up and ready for it, the tea was still too hot in my insulated cup.
Most people get a hot beverage and drink it right away.  I need to let it cool a lot first.

Friday, October 11, 2013


I have a new student that is dyslexic.  His class just started reading the book Night, by Eli Weisel.  It's a fast attic book.  He has an abbreviated, zeroed copy instead of the book so he can underline and if it's lost he won't be penalized.  He's never asked to read aloud so his boys won't tease him and has just been passed along all these 10 yrs. To complicate things, he's in foster care.  I meet with him after school Monday.

Today I have a mammogram apt.  I put it off when scheduled at Kaiser.  I know I have one benign lump which can be painful in my r lower duct.  That was found through mammogram then ultra sound.  I met with a specialist in the surgery center at Kaiser who explained they wouln't even do a needle bioposy because they knew what it was.  In past years, I had 2 benign fibrous adenomas and removed surgically.  In 77, they just sent it to the lab and waited in the table.  I was awake. Before they put me under local I had signed a consent form for them to cut it out!  Fortunately, again on thr r, it was underneath in the inner mammary fold so nothing showed.

By 1990, a needle biopsy was done first and still they made an ugly insission that healed with a keloid scar despite wearing a bra 24/7 while it healed.  That too was benign.  This may be a 4th.  It seems different.  The others had no pain. Technology sure had changed. Grandma Cavanaugh died in 1936 of it, and Grandmother Wesley too.  Aunt Florence, my paternal aunt did too in 1961.  I've been monitored since 35 with annual mammograms.  Mom had several benign cysts, fibrous adenomas too.  I remember her in the Hosp. on my confirmation in 1962 for a bioposy.
Dad took me to High's to get my hair put in curlers, because we could wear them to school that day!
My confirmation name is Mary, like Mom's.  I've read the authority, Dr. Susan Love's Breast Book.  Everything went ok. They will compare my results to those from Kaiser.

"Everything is possible." Elie Weisel

When I got home I planned to go out walking with a friend.
Then my lower back froze up again.  It's been a long time since that happened!  I couldn't get out of bed. I took a hydrocodone 5, a muscle relaxer and a Osteo-Bi-Flex.  That put me out for an hr.  I had to close the front door so I almost crawled out.  It was all I could do to get back to bed.  I took another Osteo-Bi-Flex, then another hydrocodone and Flexeril.  It seemed to get better but now it's bad again.  I can barely move.  I just took my last hydrocodone since 4, in 8 hrs.

I finished 3 applications all for librarians, 2 are faculty positions full time.  The other is at Newark High school.  It takes such a long time to complete them.  These have to be submitted by post not electronically.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

It's starting to feel like fall

It rained a bit yesterday while I was in the grocery store.  My car had just been. Washed for the first time in a year.  Now I have little dust spots.  I went to the farmer's market first, although it was cool, it waited till I got inside the grocery.  I got a lot of zucchini, yellow summer squash and tried a Mexican squash and eggplant.  I couldn't tell any difference between it and the others.  This must be the end of the season.

 I cooked red peppers in the oven with some cauliflower to bring out the sweetness, then put the peppers in a brown bag to sweat.  The skin is easy to pull off then.  I froze them in strips then for winter.  They are cheap now.  Red peppers were green, then they turn and are sweeter.  I made stuffed red peppers too filed with brown rice, turkey meatloaf, fire roasted heirloom tomatoes, onion, zucchini, and some feta. It's got to beat Stoffer's.  But the Trader Joe's version is hard to beat.

A trio, 3 pack of strawberries, raspberries and blackberries was only $6. Down from $10.  I'm not seeing blueberries any more though.  I am going to get some peanuts to boil.  The jicama are small and so sweet.  It's time to can some raspberry jam.  It's my favorite.

Today I made a turkey meatloaf topped with turkey bacon.  It was ok but the real pork bacon is better.  Yesterday and tonight were perfect for clam chowder.

I got some lab work back.  My cholesterol is low 188.  My blood pressure is up though.  I'm going to change meds.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


There are no camping stoves left at Costco.  They are showing Christmas stuff.  I got a few other things like shrimp, a chicken for dinner and we came back here to eat.  We had that with veggies and brown rice. I get, tp, liter some flea goop for Lacy, some detergent and occasionally a few other things.  The mushrooms and asparagus looked good.  It's the first time I bought organic raisins!  I use a lot of them though.

I was cooking red peppers, onion and zucchini, and went out to put some things into the compost bin and tripped over a knee high filled, large clay pot and took a nose dive.  I hit the cobblestones on my r knee.  My shin is bruised.  I let out a yell! Lacy just watched.    Poor me!  I laid there brushed the dirt off, pushed myself up, scraped the dirt and pot shards back. Yow!  That was painful.   I put the stuff in the compost bin and went back inside, feeling sorry for myself.

I went over to Micaela's to wait for the rug men.  I only expected to be there till 4.  I was there until she got back at 5.  I made some oatmeal raisin cookies for Rosemary's birthday, she's 14.  We had bundtletts, I still don't like their red velvet, it has choc. chips in it?!  The lemon were good though. My fave is carrot.  I got one for my birthday.  Not as good as my own, but close!

I cooked Brussels sprouts and an artichoke.  I also fixed the beets I got at the farmer's market Sunday.  I forgot them and the water boiled away, so they and the pan got a bit burned.
I've got to stop doing that.  I went into the kitchen to turn off the artichoke before we went to Costco. It was on when I came back!

I watched the start of Doc Martin last night.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Workman's Comp.

I am happy not to have to go to court for the 4th time.  The question was to go to trial, which is like a Grand jury, just you and the judge with lawyers and facts, no witnesses, or to settle.  After an injury12/08, I finally settled.  I don't want the surgery.  I can use the drugs.  I decided to settle.  That in itself provides some relief.

I finally asked my lawyer what percentage of cases she settles v going to trial.  She said she settles between 85-90 percent.  Dealing with worker's comp. Is difficult.  The judge was very conservative what ever that means....

I'm glad it's settled.  I hope it will cover all this pain and suffering. I didn't want the spine surgery.  I didn't feel comfortable with the surgeon.  He was impatient and although I got him to explain the procedure twice was still not understanding.  That's when I needed brother Bob with me.

The papers should come next week.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Volunteering at the S.F. SPCA

Well after a rest, I got myself up, out and drive an hr. Up to S.F. To a JMU alumni event at the S.F. SPCA.  It was fun, there were free adoptions and games and booths for kids, a dog costume judgdging contest, a dunking booth, because unbelievably it got up to 81 in the city today, and food trucks, yea!  There was  Pig truck, where I got punch of a pulled pork sandwich with cole slaw on a bun.  They just sold out of their signature pork, Swiss, ham sandwich in a waffle cone, a whopping 700 calories. There was a lightly breaded chocked and which with ranch and apple chutney available, but when pork is a choice forget the chicken! I also got a sushi burrito from the truck next door to bring home. I'll add some more avocado and maybe dikon, jicama and red pepper.  I am not looking forward to the fish in there.  I should have got ton the CA roll, but it was lightly fried.

My job with 5 others was to  man the beer tent.  All alum. Were Much Younger.  3 worked for Apple.  2 commute to Cupertino every day.  We sold 4 kinds and made a lot of money.  We were busy.  The orange beer keg was the fave and we had to change the keg.  Wine would have sold well too as well as water. It was fun.  I have NO stamina though. I barely made it back to the car and stayed awake driving home.  I can't even put my feet on the floor.  I couldn't wait to take off my shoes and socks in the car.  I think a nap is in order.  I wish I could have taped the police man directing traffic. He was perfect and so funny. There are people who put 5000 percent into there job.  There used to br a gate guard in u of Santa Clara just like that.  For 30 years he did his job with such pride of ownership he got an award for his dilligance. How is that earned?

I crawled out of the car and collapsed on a bed for a few min. Before dragging myself to soak in the tub.  Afterwards was better.  Those jets in the tub are great.  Still I am whipped.  My feet are throbbing.  It was all I could do to stand up long enough to roll my hair.  I did get an SPCA T shirt and another one while there. I'm glass I went, but had a hard time climbing the stairs there at the end of the day.  Whenecting topic I did I felt terrible.  They had a bake sale too. It was cute and I did resist.  I thought about packing my lunch with tomatoes, jicama, cucumber and red peppers.  I even started to.  Then I jetesoned the idea.  I did start off with oatmeal though.

Poo!  My dryer stopped stopping when I open the door when it still has time to run.  At least it seems to have stopped squeaking.

After four hrs. Of reading, resting, dozing, nodding off and the like I feel a bit better. I walked to the kitchen.  The feet stil throb but less.  I was able to do some short chores.  Now I'm back lying down and just took an Osteo Bi-Flex my friend John bought me for my knees.  It has a lot of calcium.  He also got me Glucosamine Chondroitin, to help with mobility & flexibility.  It helps soothe overworked joints. It has a lot of plant extracts and cellulose.  They are expensive.
The companies that make all these supplements must make a lot of money.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Leave behind the stories you tell yourself...

The stories you tell yourself that are negative, such as: you'll never lose weight, find someone to love and be with as a permanent partner, whatever that is, and the other miriad of negative things we tell ourselves.  Leave them behind.  They like the letter you keep from an old friend or love about why things didn't/couldn't work out.  These things or thoughts are counter productive. Let them go.

I'm loving these OWN Sunday life seminars.  One day, I may have the channel to watch some of these shows.  Just what. I need, more t.v.!  For now though ner newsletters are motivational and more than enough for inner exploration.

I'm heading  YA book called The book Thief by Markus Zusak, a National book award winner and on the N.Y. Times bestseller's list along with Oprah's.  It's the story of a 12 y.o. German Jewish girl living in Germany during WW2, who steels books from the major's wife's library of books slated to be burned.  She then shares them with others in her community and they are saved and read during air raid attacks.  It is over 515 Pgs. hardback.  It may be too much a read for Abby.  So far the narrator is the soul collector and his observations. Now that I'm I to it a bit more it's not so bad.  The OpenGL though has a mom having to give up her two children because she can't feed them and is taking them to foster care.  The boy dies on the way and the sister watches this, then see's her mom carry him until he is buried.  Then Liselle is turned over to the foster parent's.  The mom seems a harridan, but has some warmth, the father, a musician, teaches her to read and is more caring and kindly.  The new parents are poor but they have an apt.

I'm off to make some soup, weed wack my Wildflower bed out front and sell some stock.  The stock got done mostly.  I need to do one more purchase.

Micaela gave me her Sapir Brita picture.  I used to have one when they were still round as the filters still are.  I've been using the filtered water for my sun tea trying to see if I can taste the difference.  I'm not sure yet.  I'd like a filter for the house lines.

The wildflower weeding had to wait.

I had a friend come over instead.

The S.F. SPCA is having it's adoption fair tomorrow and I am volunteering along with other alumni as a community event.  At this moment I don't feel like going.  I wanted to go because I don't often get into the city, it's in the Mission, and there is parking.  I'll see how I feel in the morning.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Kirk Creek

Kirk Creek campground, where we have our reservation is Federal.  Since the government is shut down who knows what will happen by the 16th.  Kim who worked there in her reincarnation as a park ranger remembered she was a federal employee then.  There is an alternative private site nearby. Instead of the $11. A nite with pass or 22$ plus 9 for a reservation fee, this place, Limekiln, is $78. Plus a $7. Reservation fee.  However, it does have water and showers and flushing toilets that are no longer available at Kirk Creek. It's also adjacent to a pretty creek which runs down into the ocean and a flat beach.  We could take our chairs down there.  Kim said the beach was lovely, especially at night. Ah, life's decisions.... I may make a back up reservation.  Spending money not on things but experiences are what you remember.  I want to go regardless of the federal government.
We'll see. she said the last time, the government shut down for 2 weeks.

What is your calling? Do you know?  For the most part, I know mine is not teaching. Except when I was working with the 2nd grader and nurturing her in parente obstencia, it it generally tedious to me. I am not very skilled with a group of 30 or 40 kids.  I cannot "control " them enough to teach them in the old paradigm.  When I tried the new one, letting them work in their own groups, make some noise things were better.  Maybe my ridigity is part of the problem.  I really like the cocial aspects as a librarian.  I hate the tedium of cataloging, the attention to detail it requires.  Every job has those things.  I really like business.  Business school and sales really felt right.  I had the chance to watch Dad once try to sell my house.  He was masterful;an excellent salesman.  My calling feels like helping others, ironically, counseling perhaps.  I can be logical, empathathetic, sensitive, perhaps too much so and have some intuitive.  Remember the Meyers Briggs test?
Working in special Ed. Would be the means to a job not because it was the best fit.

It's cold this morning. I start the day at 7 with Lacy sneaking in to cuddle as long as I don't try to touch her.  Heaven's! The thought I might try and hold her or constrain her and pet her,,,,she meows, only near in case I want to feed her a treat for showing up to purr.  If the treats come out she'll come running.  She'll immediately come close watching to make sure I 'm not trying to trap her.  Then, holding her treat or bites in the cap, they smell nasty to me, she will stick her nose in my hand to gobble them as quick as she can, look for more and slink away.  She likes to sit in the copy paper box top out of arm's reach in her safety cocoon watching everything.  Having washed the comforter bedspread and sheets, I'm just happy she want's to keep her ever present cat hair there!  I found some yesterday while vacuuming on the rugs, chairs, water picture she drinks from, curtains she brushes against to jump up to the window sills, it's everywhere!  I insisted she be short hair too!

I made a batch of oatmeal with raisins, cinnamon, brown sugar with fresh either boysenberries or blackberries I got yesterday at the farmer's market.  By 10 the morning fog had burned off again.
October weather is a secret for locals.  It is the best month here.

"You can choose courage or you can choose comfort, but you cannot have both." B.Bret. "Joy is the scariest thing to seek."

I started off with a long hair,  orange stray tabby I fed old frozen fish. I took it to be groomed almost bald it was so matted and called him Kitty Whiskers after my childhood friend that lived under a big evergreen next door.  I sometimes used to sneak him food, milk and feed him on the portch.  On rare occasion I would seak him in my room for a time.  I don't think anyone knew about him.  Then I got my precious dog, Prince.  Oh I loved that puppy!  Ironically, both the boy in the back alley and I got one of the litter.  While my puppy was smothered with love and cuddles and was kind and sweet, the other was trained to be rough and tussle with boys. I was in 5th grade that year and we moved from that big house on Gainsville St. In S.W. Or E. Washington D.C. to Alexandria, VA in new town
houses on Southland Ave.  His days were numbered there.  My beautiful golden lab wasn't allowed there.  Before we got him, we got a Sheppard from the pound, Cinderella.  She was too much for me.  She would jump out of our yard into the neighbors every time.  We took her back. Too many early bad habits.  Although Prince would get bigger or the same size when grown, the puppy was a better start.  I brought him home inside my coat.

Bob and Mickey were off to college and in 66 I was in 6th grade when my dad said "he took him out to a couple in the country on a farm."  I to this day want to know where he really went.  Dad stuck to that story till the end.  I asked until 1983. It seems I had him less than six mo. From winter to summer, maybe four mo.  I wonder why we got a dog at all given those parameters and circumstances.  I know I'd forget and mom would feed him.  Dad would keep him company in the afternoons waiting in the living room until my bus would carry me home.  I do know I'd bring him bones.  He was teething and got to the legs of mom's sofa!  I'd stop in the A &P at the bus stop on PA Ave. near my school, and ask for a none for Prinie all the time.  Those were the days when bones were free.  What I know of dogs I know from him.

I have a Dr.'s apt. this morning.  It was canceled from Mon. and rescheduled for today.  I've been trying to get in for about 2 yrs.  I've been in to the acute clinic, had a referral, been assessed prior and finally one more time today by the Dr.  Kaiser was easier.  I'd go once a year, get refill's in 90 day increments for a year. These people want you to see a Druid every mo. or so.  Too often, in my case, not necessary.  Give me the med's and go away pls.  I'll let you know if I need anything else and when.  She kept me waiting almost 30 min. And I was her first apt.  she did yet another history, but did write a script for my drugs and labs.  I'll see her again in 2 was then be assigned a Dr.

There was a book sale going on in front of the lab.  I love to see books.  There are such great things out there.

My brother Michael has a birthday on the 19th and Emily's Ethan, grand nephew, have birthday's this mo.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

"The joy of the journey is not reaching the destination but the ride."

I got the YA book The Book Thief from the library today.  It's on the lists, Opera and PW,  and I like to keep up on new kid's or middle school titles. I like watching the book adapted Switched at Birth, Pretty Little Liars and The Lying Game on the Family channel.  I can watch some of this stuff via iPad.
I finished are ally good one last week, Danielle Steel's First Love.  Now I'm on to Whisky  Beach by Nora Roberts.  I stated Sea Glass too.
I've been enjoying the Foyle's War series in PBS.
There are new shows on I'm not sure enough yet.

It's been so warm this Indian Summer I've made and gone through a qt. of ice tea a day!  I like making sun tea.  Adding lemon and mint especially feels like such a treat.  I see little kids coming up to their mom's for a sip of what ever they are drinking and am horrified to see it is soda.  Once a saw a babies' formula mixed in 7 up!  There was a show in Appalachia that showed the large use of Dr. pepper and the high spike of diabetes type 2 and Juvenile as well as tooth decay.  Ice tea was what I sipped from mom's glass. Mary Helen  drank it too.  Bob was on milk and Diet Rite, Michael on Tab. Mine is water or tea.  I can be talked into wine or a Cosmo or 3 on rare occasion

When I went through her clothes and stuff after she died, I sent a huge array to Mary Helen, took some, packed up some special Christmas ornaments, packaged others for my brothers and remember finding a huge stash of Lipton tea bags.  They don't seem to have an expiration date.  I still have some.  I'm not used the caffeine any more.  Usually I drink Mint Medly or Earl Grey that is decaf -inated.

I did a major run to the grocery store with David this morning.  He was great to have along.  He didn't complain, watched the cart, I could send him back for items. He was amazed at the qty. of stuff I bought.  I had a list and mostly stuck to it.  The fridg. and pantry are very full.  Since he's not working, I should hire him to clean the refrigerator out.  It has to be done and I've been putting it off.  Last time I paid Ricardo.  He complained, and it thought he was too slow and wasn't thorough enough for me though.  It's not an easy job.

David want's to organized the pantry I had built. He also suggested I get a number of stacking bins to organize my office and the garage.
Back around 95 or so Norm did get me a number of plastic bins, which I used to store empty flower pots and gear in the garage.  Over the years gardener's tried to stand on them and ended up breaking
them.  I just recycled the last one.
 He suggested I get transparent bins for the garage and my office to aid in organization.
Since he's OCD he's helped some senior's and goes to a group for his hoarding.  Now for example he
only saves his chop sticks for kindling in case he needs to start a fire and just collects a few pine cones. Now know he lives in an apt. Isn't going camping and doesn't have a fireplace.

Tonight I made Italian sausages with red peppers, onions and Portobello mushrooms.  There is an advantage to showing up at the end of the farmer's market.  Some things get a reduction in price like bread, fruit and mushrooms and others are thrown in free like scallions. I went through the 3 new red peppers I brought home today.  I am going to char and roast several others, then put them in a paper bag to steam, pull the skin off, slice and freeze them for winter.  I can also can them in olive oil, but that's too much trouble and too much olive oil and effort.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Obamacare and Another SPECTACULAR day

CA in Oct. is wonderful!  It may be my favorite mo. Today it was in the 80's.  Tomorrow it may get hotter in the 90's, but generally it's perfect.  In fact I am going camping at Kirk Creek in Big Sur the week of Oct 15th.  Unfortunately fir the first time in 20 yrs. I know about no fires are allowed.  This spectacular site hangs on a cliff face overlooking the Pacific.  The views are night especially, the sound of the waves breaking is very soothing.  I make sure I go at least once a year. Every single time I get near I repeat " I can't believe I don't make it a point to get down here more often,". This place is so sacred, such a boost for the spirit.  You cannot fail to be uplifted.  I used to go alone.  Lately I've brought friends.  This one ha s a lantern and inflate able mattress that makes sleeping much more comfortable.

Fortunately I got all the car stuff done today.  My friend David took me and picked me up from the garage so I made breakfast.  We shopped.  Then he cut up the pineapple.  I made red potatoes with onion, mushrooms and red peppers and scram pled eggs.  I was going to make sausage too, but he didn't want any.    It was nice to spend time with him.  It's bee a long time.  We both used wo work as librarians at SJPLIbrary.

I'll save it for the breakfast burritos we'll take camping.

I got a lot more red peppers today.  I need to roast or grill several to incorporate in pasta, humus and keep them for winter.  I inhale them.  They are absolutely delicious, suc h a treat.

I picked up a new client in Santa Clara County.  As soon as the contract is signed, I'll start.

I also took this survey by a lens  company.  This is the 2nd survey I've done.  The first was on hybrid and electric cars.

I received the missing MRI l s film for my worker's comp claim today.  Since it was done in Jan. Of 2009  it should be covered under discovery.  My back has been really painful lately.  I am fine for short periods then I need to rest the muscles.