Friday, May 3, 2013


how many flavors are there?  I have so many. Over thirty years I'm sure there are over 100 variations or is it a thousand?  At least today, you can email, it sure is an improvement from mail or fax or even PDF scanning.

I've got to reset my laptop, this using another is inconvenient.  It should be a simple fix, but with the tiny font too it's taking a long time.

 " If a door slams shut, that's because God is pointing to one open further down the line." Anna Delaney Peale

It will be up to 90 again today.  On these days, I love the early morning.  The plants watered, house cleaned, oatmeal and today tapioca made and a fresh pineapple cut up.  I don't think it's thir searson.  I seem to remember summer, but they probably are in cultivation all year round.  This one was a bit small.
Why are they always featured near Easter?

My mailman is collecting goon on May 12th.  I filled up two big bags of cans.  It amazed me there were that many things tucked away.  Out of sight out of mind.  I hope they can feed some that need it.
We always think only at the holidays, but hunger doesn't stop.  The number of free breakfast and lunch schools is growing.  When school is out these kids go hungry.

We went out for Mexican food tonight.  It was so nice to sit in the patio.  Nether the frozen margaritas were super or the food, but, it was such a beautiful night after a scorching day of 99, everyone was in shorts.  The salad was so delicious cool and crisp.  I had fajitas.

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