Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Planting seeds

Planting seeds or 4 in. tomatoes, which I did at Easter, or the Roma and sweet 100's today, gives me such pleasure.  I planted some basil and chives too.  I usually put the last and dill in pots, especially, mint, which likes to spread and take over.

I've been up at 6 or earlier, working lately.

All that remains of the residue of lavender oil has sunk into my thirsty skin.  Perhaps a residue remains on the sheets I used to cover the table, which Lacy doesn't like now, and I adore and deliberately have not yet washed or taken out of the room.  I love the scent of lavendar.  I even have spray for sheets and some body spray in addition to soap, shampoo, conditioner, body lotion, foot and hand salve.  There are candles too and bath foam.

I get to head to the farmers market for cilantro and more cherry tomatoes.  Although the nectarines and cherries are small, they are so good.  The first raspberries and local blueberries and strawberries are so sweet after citrus and root veggies of winter.  I'm waiting for apricots!

I swam a bit longer than usual. I went for a walk afterward with my friend.  That always too is therapeutic.  In addition to talking therapy, we walked by the very full creek.  There was a site where there were 5 bid turtles sunning on a log.  The dove in as we appeared.  The canopy of trees, leaves with the breeze and quaking leaves was so pretty.  A gaggle of geese came flying in to land in formation. We are transfixed by the loveliness of the nature than surrounds us.

Gas is up to $3.69. That certainly beats the summer of above $4.  We are lucky in this country. Gas in Mexico and Europe is much higher.

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