Tuesday, May 28, 2013

What you get out of live is measured by what you are willing to put into it."

Put into it." Thomas Edison

I got my 125,000 fitness points t shirt today.  Those small things are motivational to me.  In addition, for October and breast Cancer Awareness mo. They are matching points and above a certain level donate money to the breast cancer Susan Komen fund.  I hadn't realized the group paid for surgery for women unable to.  What a good use of funds along with research.

Monday, May 27, 2013


The judgement
I roasted chickens, smoking them, wishing for succulent and got boring.

Happy 36th birthday to my beautiful nephew Michael.   1977 I am so proud of you, your lovely wife Mikie and sons, Ben, 3 and newborn Will, born the day after Prince George!  I want to send these natural onesie and blanket "George" uses from this company that's been sold out from NY.  I can't imagine the laundry, baths and dishes they generate.  A new mom need's a doula, nanny, night nurse, maid and house keeper to get groceries in and chef to do the cooking.  The nanny can take Ben to preschool and Mikie can grab a nap with Will. I wish!  The dad would appreciate that too.

They have their hand's full!  God bless you all.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Taco fest

We went to the Taco fest at Kelley Park again this year. Last year was so great we wanted to see Moveable feast in action again.  There may have been 40 food trucks and many more vendors.  We got there early and scoped the place out.  The layout was better perhaps but the crowds were smaller given the holiday weekend.
We has fish tacos with tilapia and blackened catfish, Korean, Thai, Vietnamese lemongrass, lettuce wrapped, brisket, smoked pork tacos.  There was elote, lobster, seafood and every other variation you can think of.  Tacos were $3. Up a buck from last yr.  no need for fries, Mexican traditional tacos or burritos, we skipped the ice cream ones and fresh fruit cart too.  I did start and end with a salted caramel white cupcake from Fairycakes. Yum! They are my faves!  There were lots of treats from Treatbox, a candy truck that was at the night market.  The bands and music was good.

I got my workout in early.  There were other events, like sjsu grad, a Giants game and that with the holiday weekend deflected some of the crowds.  It wasn't as hot as last year either.

I am suffering greatly from chlorine rash.  When I shower I use special soap, then special lotion, after the baby oil.  My skin predictably is so dry.  When I added oil of Olay to my face it burned.  That is usually so mild.  Then I added Neutragina sunscreen for sensitive skin on top and I thought my skin would never stop stinging.  Fortunately, I got some lotion rubbed in my back.  It was so tight.

My back still hurts and I have a w.c. Hearing tues.

I can't seem to untighted the muscles.

Monday, May 20, 2013


I just finished an essay on the subject.  I wish it was as easy for my students to make up. I may teach a class or several this summer.
I spent 3 hrs in the pool, 2 in class and the last swimming laps.  I wish I had time to float but I ran an errand, made some copies and it was time to see Thomas.  I am always late.  True, I stay later but I need to make up some hrs. and go earlier.  School is out around the 6th.

I am looking into getting a cell phone. I want an iPhone, but can get by with a much cheaper version. As Caro says, there are a lot cheaper versions.  There are service plans and a phone can be over $200.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Term papers, footnotes and bibliographies

I thought I was done consulting term paper books by Kate Teribian, the MLA style Guide and Elements of Style.  I started a paper on World War One Women the other day, but spent an hr. or so starting the first paragraph, cover pg. prologue, bibliography and footnote page.  It takes a long time.  At least it's on the flash drive now.  Finding how to site articles, books, footnotes is confusing.  The librarian told me it's now online too.
I added another book and scanned some material.

I much prefer swimming, going to the farmers market for apricots and peaches. I did get some more asparagus.
 I got my first mango.  I'm going to make the curried shrimp recipe. I got this Mexican lime popcicle bar. That should have less calories than the $2.00 choc. gelato one. Half the price and calories I hope.

Tonight was taco night with John and Mad Men.  There is this new shredded lettuce stuff I got free with a purchase.  It is not something I'd buy.  The lettuce isn't romaine or iceberg and not crisp enough.  I also like crisp taco shells.
I've been making a lot of sun tea.

It seems like I'm running and need some down time for relaxation and don't have enough.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Bay to Breakers

I once signed up for a 10k run here.  In HI, I was in training and could have run half a marathon.  The feeling when you finish working out is go great.  All those endorphins and free radicals racing around inside....

There was a mini race here today with all the roads blocked off including our own cardiac hill, but going down.

"Always dream and shoot higher than you know you can do.  Don't bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors.  Try to be better than yourself."  William Faulkner

Friday, May 17, 2013

Falafel drive inn

"I am seeking.  I am striving. I am in it with all my heart."  Vincent Van Gough

Next time we are going to the drive inn.  I love it.  It's simple, cheap, delicious and healthy.

Grilled Mango, Curried Prawns, mmmmm.... I have a hankering to make this...

I always thought I was allergic to mango based on the fact that when plaing tennis in HI, my neighbor and I gather them afterwards.  Having them against my tennis dress the skin penetrated and caused a blister.
I do however use Major Grey's mango chutney in my curried chicken salad and I think Caro may have put some in her pico de gallo, so I don't think I'm allergic to it on the inside.

This recipe, with prawns, grilled mango, coconut milk, spring onion,, sesame oil, perhaps cilantro to garnish, curry powder, maybe, red chili paste, fish sauce and   Some chopped un salted peanuts yummy.

I went to the  MLK library today to get specific books on women during WW1.  I have a problem seeing books on the bottom shelves.  I need to sit on the floor or bring them up to me.  I need to find my other pair of new glasses with the progressive lenses!

I stopped at Phat's for a Bahn min.  This time I got them to leave off the pâté, pig's ear, onion and jalapeño.  I do add one jalapeño.  I don't want it too hot.

Today was the volunteer traing at the rose garden.  I didn't think I could go due to an appointment conflict.  Then the cancelations opened the time up, but by then, I forgot!

I need to set up my new printer!  It should eliminate my trip to the library to make copies, use the computers and every thing else.  I can't believe they were so cheap!  What happened to the 50lb. HP workhorse printer?  This one is wireless and even prints from my iPad!  I'm excited about that.

I also want to roast some red peppers, toast my pine nuts and make some humus.  It's so healthy and looks so easy.

My skin is so try from swimming I can barely strand it.  I put baby oil on in the shower, then Aveno at the gym or when I get home. I use moisturizing soap like Caress or Aveno body wash in lavendar or bath  gel, still, too many showers, too much time in the pool and chlorine is taking it's toll.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Canyonland and Arches

I really want to go to these parks.  April might be the time.  It's too hot already now.  The trip is one day to Las Vegas and the next to the 4 corners area.  If I get that close to Las Vegas I want to return to Zion and Brice again, this time camping, back backing, hiking and seeing the lodges.  The road was closed last time.  I'd like to visit all the National Parks.  I've only gone to Yellowstone, Grand Teaton and Glacier, Rocky Mountain for one night each while traveling alone.  The same is true with Grand Canyon, Bryce and Zion. I've stayed longer and more often in Yosemite and Tahoe's Desolation  Wilderness.  I adore Big Sur and go often.  I want to spend some time at Tassajara for a retreat too.  I backpacked in to Secret Lake on the other side on Sonora, Andrew Molera, another over night Big Sur site unnamed, but remembered.
The sites in Alaska like the Bank of the Mendenhall Glacier were spectacular.  Sitka's campground's next to the bears gourging themselves with salmon returning upstream to spawn was unforgettable; as are all the BC provincial parks and the sites on the ice fields parkway and across the Canadian Hy. into Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, and Maine.  I adore Cape Cod, Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard too.  The entire AYH system has been terrific, here, in Canada and Europe.

"We don't always succeed in what we try - certainly by the world's standards- but I think you'll find it's the willingness to keep trying that matters the most."  Fred Rodgers

Jack and I met up to get my new printer at Fry's, then went to dinner at Fresh Tomatoes.  The choices are so deceptive.  Yes they are salad ingredients, but I can stop at the first 4, Chinese chicken, Caesar asiago, Spinach salad, and one more. That fills me up.  I'm done.  The next plate of  the salad stuff starts.  I love all the tomatoes, green, red, yellow and orange peppers, cauliflower, broccoli, red cabbage, radish, beets, shredded, julianned and crinkle cut and pickled, love, but skip the croutons, can pass on the garbanzo and kidney beans, green peas, corn and the put the blue cheese dressing on the side and also get reduced fat mustard, honey dressing and ranch just to dip on, add fresh black
pepper, stay away from the asiago bread, which is over 200 calories. Then there are different butters, sour cream for the potato, yikes!

 I don't care for and can skip the baked potatoes, pasta, potato salad, macaroni salad, soups, chili, jumbliah, Mac. and cheese, and muffins.  I may have a tiny bit of frozen yogurt and fresh pineapple.  The place can be a calorie nightmare disguised as healthy.  The 2nd plate of spinach and veggies and even the blue cheese topping came home with me for lunch tomorrow.

There is so much waste.  They must do more than break even though.  No wonder the facility is huge and cavernous.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Gas is up to $3.85 a gal.

It's been a rarity that I put $30. in the tank.  I was up reading late and this evening has to move 5 times to finish it without falling asleep.  Then when I could finally sleep it didn't happen.

I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around my writing topic.  I need to run down to the King library and pick up some books.

My finger is still sprained but better.  It doesn't seem to be affected by swimming. The water flows around it.  The ice packs still help.

Apricots appeared at the Farmer's Market Sunday, but now that I'm ready for more they weren't there yesterday.

I made another batch of oatmeal, cranberry cookies and added shaved chocolate on the 3rd doz. from my Schur's dark chocolate Easter bunny.  That one is my favorite though.  I traded the lady at the farmers market a shortbread for one regular, one choc. One of mine.  Next I have to ask her how she gets all her cookies flat.  She knew about the lower melting temp. Of the Schur's choc. Too. Once the ears are gone, it' hard to eat.  Gnawing is not my thing.  Even the Cuisinart had a hard time chopping up A 1/4 to 1/2 a cup.    I prefer milk chocolate and not solid.  Actually Lindt is good for snacking.  For that homemade, local chocolateer, he makes a a milk choc., caramel with sea salt that is heavenly.  Sees' stopped making milk patties, which is good, in one way, now I have no reason to go in there any more!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

"Courage is what it takes

To stand up and speak out.  Courage is also what it takes to sit and listen". Winston Churchill

What a busy day.  I barely squeeked in my swim.  I keep losing track of my laps, I need a counter.  My mind goes to other things.

I started early, left the water on!  I got my health insurance straightened out, stopped at the library, printed some papers, came home to change, turn off the water, check the mail and head to the gym.

I did my laps, showered, jumped in the car, diving into my snack, ie lunch, as I raced home for my iPad.  I changed again and was out the door racing for my apt. downtown. Whew, when I got home I needed a nap!

After being up at 3 am to put blankets and a sleeping bag in the garage for summer, I. Covered some suits and blouses that's shoulders needed a dust cover.  I have one corner of my huge 19x21 bedroom that has become a catch all for 2 bags of hangers, videos, a laundry basket and a box of books.  They have to go and the ironing board put away again.

The cherries are consumed, appricots on their way, asparagus a memory and my body is in shock as the bounty hits. Yum.  There is nothing so refreshing and delicious as a cold piece of fruit on a hot day or a drink of cold iced tea!

I did some retreading of WWII.  Hitler was such a fiend and MONSTER!  Stalin tried to have it both ways.  It really was a World War.

100,000 fitness points onto the black level

Today my classes and activities took me to the black level.  Happy to graduate from the brown, even though my tsirt is burgundy.  I was stopped cold despite the machine going off because they are temporarily out of t shirts, so much for my instant gradification anyway.  I work out for me not the t shirt, mostly!
I am starting to see a difference in muscle tone.  I'm feeling development in my arms and thighs.  After my laps, which are increasing too, I often take the time in my cool down just to float.  It's so replacing, meditative.  I didn't have a chance to float today after my swim and feel the difference in the serenity.  I think too some just swim for a certain time not just counting the laps.  If I could see the clock better I might time myself to note progress.  Today seemed to take at least an hr. and I felt like I was swimming fate.  Some days, I'm done in 15 min.

I did some research on the Manhattan project today.  Pretty fascinating. I am looking for a video on Khan Academy or utube.  I saw one on the history channel.

My emails are not loading correctly and I can't get to them.  I need to go into Apple.  I think I fixed it!

My lawyer on my worker's comp case hasn't called.  I have a hearing on the 30th.  I think Kerry Hames is pretty worthless re getting back to me.  The bottom line, no money to be made.  Time to post an online review.  This is the disposition in the settlent of my worker's comp. case on my back.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day!

The hardest job and indeed the most challenging one you can ever have is that of a parent.  When I took in my two foster daughter's, one at a time at 11, I couldn't believe the difference.  Angel was tough, already dying her hair, piercing her ears, wearing makeup, wanting and wearing thongs and a bra where no breasts were yet showing. At 5'2 and 180 lbs she was sure the way to get a boyfriend was through sex. I couldn't believe the stress of trying to parent her.

Janelle, on the other hand was so timid, naive and insecure she wouldn't walk into Round Table to pick up a pizza by herself when I was right outside the door waiting.  She looked 10 or 11 and acted unsure about so many things.  There were things to learn, bicycle trips to go on.  She was very dependent.

Foster care had put scars on them both I'm sure.  They both came from parents with drug problems.
Then there option arrived, Angle could sullenly, defiantly come to me with snippets of little girl peeking out between the shoplifting in Target, mouthing off in Safeway and  running away. She used to cut herself too, although I never saw any evidence of that.  After she ran away from my house to meet her grandparents and flee with them to Washington, she was brought back and put in a group home.  I once ran into her with a chronic in the computer room of the library.  After she ran and I called the police, I discovered a 2 in. stack of porn she downloaded from the computer in the library.  She thought at 11, that sex would be a good wat to get if not keep a boy friend.  I tried to tell her, the boys would be interested but not seriously.  She was so starved for attention, I can understand her craving any kind of affection. I hope Angel got straightened out, weaned off soda, and Pepto.  She would be about 18 now.

Janelle wanted to be around more kids.  Having just we was pretty quiet although she used to play with Rosemary.  I got her school shoes, sneakers and had her come to my class to teach 2nd graders the difference between vertebrates and invertebrates with a lobster shell I brought home.  She thrived under the importance and attention. She was a very sweet girl.

Now my county students are, Regla, 16, living in an apartment with a roommate, a group home, independently, with therapy on Wed., and trying to pass English, History, Biology and Algebra to go onto 11th grade.  The foul mouth is her protection.  She is street tough but still so young.
Thomas, is on the verge of being expelled, living in an apartment with another student, one non verbal, and a care taker.  His teacher and tutor go to him. He at least shows evidence of being in class all year.  I wonder what Regla has been up to?  All the information we cover on W W 1 and everything else seems new to her.

Saturday, May 11, 2013


I started volunteering today at the San Jose Rose Garden dead heading.  They are prepping for Mother's Day tomorrow.  It was nice being out in the sun working among the beautiful roses at the end there was a pair od ducks floating in the fountain, the water glistening in the sun.

I once took a pruning class by the city of San Jose on pruning.  It was at the Heritage Rose Garden a different place blocks apart.  I never knew there was another.  my arms are sore.  These are different muscles from swimming. I can feel them toning up?
Afterwards, several food trucks showed up, House of Siam, Thai and Oaxaca for great Mexican.  I got lunch to go and then take out for later and tomorrow.  I love chicken satay with peanut sauce, rice and salad.  Then for later and usually in cooler weather I got yellow chicken curry.  From the heart of Oaxacan cooking I started with a pork, carnitas taco, then mole chicken to go.  There are so many mole variations, black, green.... I like the black made with chocolate and Chili's.  I never can taste the chocolate, but the flavors are so intricate.

I had an appointment with Nicols Research to do a research study on hybrid cars.  After hours in the sun, my eyes were taxed after looking at the tiny laptop.  Questions about concept cars, electric ones, possible new options, it was interesting but the new technology was confusing and detailed.  That's why they pay the big bucks.

Jack did one on Cancer.  They asked me to do one evaluating math text books too.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Having the computer back

Has made me lazy.  I can use it 27/7 and don't.  I use my iPad for everything but adobe and writing, when I have to move to the laptop.  When I was forced to make a reservation and be there at a certain time, I got more done.  Although I have been using my iPad, of late I seem to be missing emails, losing some information I need.  I fixed that by adding an email, increasing the view to 200 emails.

I copied some information on time cards and forms and I can't find it.  I finally was able to log in.  The toolkit forms look so different.  I need to get a printer.

My computer font on the browser is still microscopic.

"God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks to us in our conscious, but shouts to us in our pains.  It is his megaphone to rouse a deaf world." C.S. Lewis

In addition to the chlorine rash, I have a stye.

A friend said Oracle was one of the most difficult accounts she had.  Communication is the issue and poor.  It doesn't sound like a pleasurable place to work.

The strap broke on my swim mask.  Fortunately I found a dive shop that had some.  My mask is old and the rubber dries out.  I need to remember to wash it too. I got some lube which may help it last longer. It took a lot longer to swim. I miss diving.  I'd like to take a trip to the Channel Islands and off the casino at Catalina.

He does a trip to the Channel Islands and a three day trip off Monterey. You can sleep on the boat.

I got a table for the patio, a table for between our chairs.

When Regla  stood me up, I stopped at Phat's for a Bahn Minh. Yum!  I was so hungry.  Leave out the pâté, pig's ear, onions, put the jalapeños on the side, just about perfect.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Planting seeds

Planting seeds or 4 in. tomatoes, which I did at Easter, or the Roma and sweet 100's today, gives me such pleasure.  I planted some basil and chives too.  I usually put the last and dill in pots, especially, mint, which likes to spread and take over.

I've been up at 6 or earlier, working lately.

All that remains of the residue of lavender oil has sunk into my thirsty skin.  Perhaps a residue remains on the sheets I used to cover the table, which Lacy doesn't like now, and I adore and deliberately have not yet washed or taken out of the room.  I love the scent of lavendar.  I even have spray for sheets and some body spray in addition to soap, shampoo, conditioner, body lotion, foot and hand salve.  There are candles too and bath foam.

I get to head to the farmers market for cilantro and more cherry tomatoes.  Although the nectarines and cherries are small, they are so good.  The first raspberries and local blueberries and strawberries are so sweet after citrus and root veggies of winter.  I'm waiting for apricots!

I swam a bit longer than usual. I went for a walk afterward with my friend.  That always too is therapeutic.  In addition to talking therapy, we walked by the very full creek.  There was a site where there were 5 bid turtles sunning on a log.  The dove in as we appeared.  The canopy of trees, leaves with the breeze and quaking leaves was so pretty.  A gaggle of geese came flying in to land in formation. We are transfixed by the loveliness of the nature than surrounds us.

Gas is up to $3.69. That certainly beats the summer of above $4.  We are lucky in this country. Gas in Mexico and Europe is much higher.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


All the sudden I see signs everywhere for massage.  There are foot massages, full body and variations in between at day spas and other storefronts.  With a section called Little Saigon nearby, I shouldn't be surprised.

All oiled up and smelling like lavender, yum! In my house, relaxed no rush...bliss. Lavender truly is a stress reducer aromatherapy.  My skin is so dry it just sucked it up.

"Do that little bit of good where you are, it's those little it's of good collectively that overwhelm the world". Desmond Tutu

I don't know why kale is the super food.  It's not my favorite. I can almost fake myself into believing it's spinach, not quite though, it' not as sweet.

I think in addition to the rash on my arms that seems to be hearing, I may have pink eye.

Fortunately,  I got my laptop fixed!  That landscapr to portrait flip took forever.  Then there are all these easy messages on the web!  I looked in Word help but not  on the web till my trusty French mktg./techie suggested that in 2 sec.!
I usually think to Google these things!  I've found  it before in help though.  I spent wy to much time trying to fix it.

Monday, May 6, 2013


It's an apt description.  I have one from Oracle hovering. Climber.com too would like to get in on the action.

I seem to have gotten a rash, perhaps from the pool on each arm.  My skin is dry and I am having a warm lavender stone massage after I finish swimming and showering.  I actually got it done in 15 min. Today, granted I walked out with no moisturer and my hair not yet combed.  I got those done in the car on the drive.

Time was tight so I even packed a lunch. A Greek yogurt, oatmeal, raisin cookie and ice tea.
I worked for 2 hrs. this morning doing an online resume and two hrs. This afternoon.  That's about my limit.

I thought about volunteering at the library teaching ESL or citizenship.  The problem is they want 6 mo. or one year.  There were times that would work, but the future is hard to see.

Do you think it would be better to know the future or not?  Would you rather know?

"The secret of success in life is to be ready for opportunity when it comes."  Earl of Beconsfield
" Men's best successes come after their disappointments."  Henry Ward Beecher

It's gotten so chilly.

My blood pressure has dropped dramatically with the increase of daily exercise.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Feliz Cinco de Mayo!

I got ot 2 fans, plugged one in and used it, then, around 8 p.m. A dramatic cool down happened.  This morning it was still cool. People were heading into the gym with jackets on.  I actually put mine on at the farmers market around 10.  The water in th pool was like a bath though, 85 or so. Although I woke up at 6:30 when the gym opens on the weekend, I didn't get there till 8 and raced to get my 30 laps in.  I left my razor and got a new one.  I can't believe the Venus and lookalike s are near $20.  There are disposables too. That's nuts.  A man's is near the same price.  They are marketing to teens.

The first of the cherries are in the farmers market.  There were no more cherry tomatoes this week though.  I got the first raspberries though.  They were both dear at $4. But, you get what you crave.
Raspberries, cherries, last week nectarines and soon to come apricots are my faves.  I did get some tiny, thin asparagus too.

Believe it or not I also got some more kale!  Unless it's in something, I'm generally not a fan.  In a quiche, I can take it. I can add red peppers, roasted along with sautéed mushrooms and onion. it's youted as a super veggie of late in the press.   I like to max out the veggies in a quiche. The supermarkets have started carrying kale salad kits with dressing and stuff.  The kale is shredded.  I ended up making one again too.

There is a Cinco de Mayo BBQ at  John cousin Bill's.  that's why they have RDVR's.  Life happens while Mad Men toil.  I do not like the Peter character in Mad Men.  I took over dinner, some quiche and John is going to try and flip the screen for me.  Sweet man, he's a good friend and has helped me ou t more than once.
There is a parade going on in San Jose.  The last place I  want to be is in that crowd.  Besides they televise it.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Saturday of early aqua Zumba and laps

The water will feel good.  It is supported to cool off tomorrow.  Especially when I'm up late, then again -2 and 4 it's hard to get to the pool by 6:30.  After laps and class I feel great.  I figured it takes me 30 min. to shower, dress and depart.

There was a big grass fire near here as we were heading out to dinner.  Fortunately, no houses were threatened, but it is early.  Helicopters were hovering trying to firm and report it for the news.  I stopped at the store on the way home, but didn't see where it burned.  I'm have to look tomorrow.

It got really hot again today.  I watered when I got home then closed everything up.  I transplanted a root bound onion plant, my first.
 Still, by 6, I had the fan going. It's time to switch out flannel sheetss, down comforters and put the sleeping bags and the spare blankets away.

My crazy neighbor David has turkeys and chickens.  It would be nice to have eggs.  Since a dozen might last a month, I'd soon be overwhelmed by chickens or eggs, not to mention needing a "house" wire, an enclosure and have to clean it.  The inside of the house is tough enough with help and 2 gardener's.

The leftover fajitas tonight were delicious with avocado and the first cherry tomatoes of the season.  Once the sun went down it really turned blustery and cold. Last week there was a beautiful full moon.

I'm reading Calculated in Death by J.D. Robb a police, futuristic series. I am reading the WW1 book to get up to speed, but it's a lot for a teen.

 For her,  I ordered a sci fi. triology, Levethian, by Scott Westfield set in W.W.1 to see if I can get my new foster teen into being interested in something.  She is 16 and needs to turn herself around.  She is in a group home.  She only has 2 yrs. until she is out of the system.

Friday, May 3, 2013


how many flavors are there?  I have so many. Over thirty years I'm sure there are over 100 variations or is it a thousand?  At least today, you can email, it sure is an improvement from mail or fax or even PDF scanning.

I've got to reset my laptop, this using another is inconvenient.  It should be a simple fix, but with the tiny font too it's taking a long time.

 " If a door slams shut, that's because God is pointing to one open further down the line." Anna Delaney Peale

It will be up to 90 again today.  On these days, I love the early morning.  The plants watered, house cleaned, oatmeal and today tapioca made and a fresh pineapple cut up.  I don't think it's thir searson.  I seem to remember summer, but they probably are in cultivation all year round.  This one was a bit small.
Why are they always featured near Easter?

My mailman is collecting goon on May 12th.  I filled up two big bags of cans.  It amazed me there were that many things tucked away.  Out of sight out of mind.  I hope they can feed some that need it.
We always think only at the holidays, but hunger doesn't stop.  The number of free breakfast and lunch schools is growing.  When school is out these kids go hungry.

We went out for Mexican food tonight.  It was so nice to sit in the patio.  Nether the frozen margaritas were super or the food, but, it was such a beautiful night after a scorching day of 99, everyone was in shorts.  The salad was so delicious cool and crisp.  I had fajitas.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

A pesimist only sees the dark side of the clouds and mopes,

A philosopher sees both sides and shrugs, An optimist doesn't see the cloud's at all -- he's walking on them."  Leonardo

I increased my laps by 5.  I need to add another class and some machine time for arms and Zumba.

 Last night I made another pan of chicken enchiladas this time for vino de Mayo with green Chili's and tomatillo green sauce.  The 2 kinds of mushrooms may have been a bit odd, but, the Colby to the Jack was a nice addition.  I hate to debone chicken!  Caro said I need to learn to make Mexican enchiladas.  I thought I was!

I still am working on a WW1 topic.I started the book: The Guns of August by Tuchman.  I looked at some potential topics today that interest me, women's roles, their entry into the work force.

I donated a box of books to the shelter yesterday.  It was so hard!  I hate getting rid of books!  I must cull though.  I' cleaning my office, medicine cabinets and hall cub boards too.  I have some more work to do in the garage.  The vanity should be dumped.  The dresser can be put out in it's place.

I dusted and continued to dump old canned stuff out of date.

I swam 30 laps today; 5 more than yesterday and that was 5 more than the day before.  I want to start walking outside again, but the treadmill will do when it's over 90 out.  I want to add some arm exercises and some leg strengthening one's too.  My arm's are a tiny bit sore.

I got an invite to Ventana today in Big Sur for 3 days.  I love it there.  A room with a view of the ocean, hot tub, lovely tub and fireplace is wonderful with the spa services.  My skin is so dry
swimming every day.  ventanainn.com
One day I'll try Post Ranch too. postranchinn.com
The yurts are on my list too.
I like Lucia Lodge hanging on the edge of the cliff.  lucialodge.comGreat food, deep in Big Sur, 2.5 hrs. From home and close to Deetjet's, deejets.com even if Bob didn't like it.
I discovered a place in Newport Beach to go around the beginning of Nov.
These cool cottages on the beach look charming maybe in late Oct.

I finally got myself to Sprouts today.  I can't say it's as nice as Whole Foods or New
Leaf, but I got some bulk items like stately cut oats and rolled oats.

The fact that this iPad self corrects makes me crazy sometimes.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Welcome to May!

I was up early doing wash, clearing the pantry and made a pumpkin pie.
I still haven't been able to sw h the laptop screen back to landscape either! Frustrating!

I need to work on a document!

" Joy is what happens when we let each other see how good things are.  Joy is not necessarily what happens when we let things unfold according to our plans! ". Maryann Williamson