Friday, April 26, 2013

Your present circumstances don't determine where you can go,

They just determine where you're starting from.  I like quotes.

I asked my friend Kim why I wasn't lean and trim yet with all the swimming at working out I've been doing, tongue in cheek!  I know it's a routine now.  I just need to keep it going.  A life style, It's become.  Change was needed.
My fit exercise counter and food calorie recorder has been frozen the last two days.  Ironically, the one at the gym has been down too.

Time to squeeze some o.j. From my tree oranges, and toast the lat piece of my wheat berry bread.  I'd be sad if it started growing!  It's too precious to toss.  Making bread takes a lot of effort. I ignored it for oatmeal!
Caro told me to reduce the 1/2 hr cooking time of steel cut oats, to soak them over night, and si I have.  I can see them absorb the water like the wheat berries do.

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