Monday, April 29, 2013

It' a beautiful day in the neighborhood...

Somehow my laptop flipped views from portrait to landscape.  I need to flip it back.  It's difficult when it's sidewise.  Michaela said there was no reason IM shouldn't work in my iPad.  I agree,  it's a pain to have to switch to the other machine!

"It all seems impossible until it's done."  Nelson Mandela

I love the new sugar snap peas in the market and the great early cherry tomatoes.   We are so lucky to live in CA!

It seems like everyone is out and moving, so glad to revel in these 80 degree temps.

I prefer it in the 70's.  I watered front and back seedlings early.  I got in a good swim.  I was in withdrawal.

I met a friend for a drink and had dinner at China Chili's, oe of my favorite places in Fremont.  It was a bit far from Milpitas where we has drinks.  We were in an Italian place.  I had about 4 bites of oatmeal all day, them a a few bites of rosemary bread, but I was reay for walnut shrimp.  It was sweet and I forgot about the sauce and breaking.  Better to request it un breaded next time.
Actually, there was a veggie place right there.  That would have been a better choice nutritiously, probably.

This automatic editing drives me crazy about half the time!

It's so odd.  It never occurred to me until today to download the ap for yim to my iPad until today.  I foolishly was going to my laptop!
Some things are so obvious in hindsight!

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