Thursday, April 25, 2013

The days are long now, but the years are short... Unknown

After swimming, I met Jack at a Korean restaurant in Santa Clara for dinner, Korean Palace.  It was o.k., not great, but they can keep the kimchi.  The short ribs were good but I was not knocked out by the soup.  I liked the glass noodles a lot. What we loved was the dipping sauce too.  Sometimes at the food trucks I get short rib sliders.  For the taco festival, I get short rib tacos.  The little bit of sugar sweetness is nice.  I liked the grilled onion last night and slid them in the rice bowl once the ribs were gone.
He  treated me to some salted Caramel Pinkberry frozen yogurt for dessert.  That was my first time there.  Kim raves about it.  Organic, Greek option with fresh fruit options.  It's a big step up on the industry, but is pricy too!  Without toppings, as all cup was $7. For 2 cups of regular, not Greek frozen yogurt.  On Wed between 11-2 Greek fro-yo is free advertises a sign... We'll see if we ever get back to try that!

I brought the scraps and bones home for the deck cat/possum/rat, and they were gone by 12. Yesterday I put a chicken carcass out there.  The whole carcass was gone!

I sent him home with care packages of left over chicken enchiladas and 1/2 a whip cream yogurt pie teeming with fresh strawberries and blueberries, I made this morning. Glad to share the wealth.

I got two types of new yogurt to try. I made a smoothie with just regular plain yogurt, strawberries and banana.  I have to try integrating some flax seeds in too.
An article said Oigos, organic Greek yogurt was the best, so I splurged and got a container and Chopini was on sale too.  I'll see if they are worth double the price!

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