Monday, September 30, 2013


Is there anything more tedious than comparing 4 companies's packages/bundles for tv and rentals $7. For a modem per mo.  I may just stay at AT&T just to avoid it.

Car stuff is the same way.  I want an assistant to come in and taker care of it.
I know what belts and pumps my car has now.  The difference in estimated time it would take to do the repair and the cost per hr. for labor is almost $50.   The Toyota dealer is more.  Hinman' s Evergreen garage is where I've always taken my cars.  The estimate is 150$ cheaper.
The problem is to catch a ride or ride my bike home.  Fortunately my friend  David will take me tomorrow. I'll see what I can do about t he pick up.

I should go into elder care, gerontology. I would like that.  Several years ago, in my 20's it didn't appeal to me at all.Myself included, we're all aging.

I made an error.  I hadn't even looked at my Soft Surroundings catalog because I had no money to spend so why look.  How ever today I  opened it and want several items, a purple and light plue denim shirt, a skirt, several tops, a poncho, coat and pj's a red Asian blouse, another sweater, like one's I have, now in purple.  I like the coral and the burnt sierra color.  every year they send me a $25, coupon.  I'd like to have it now.  I love their fuzzy warm bed socks. Who ever came up with the concept is brilliant.  Women always have cold feet. I know people knit socks and slippers.  Walking on hand knit socks is uncomfortable for me.  There is a really pretty long dress if I had anywhere to wear it.

I bought the glasses and they "lost them in the house.  I thought they might be under the bed.  Today 4 months later I found them in a basket in the family room!  The 2nd pair, were thicker than I've had in years and did not fit the frame.  The technician has tried to tell me it's the style to have an opening between the top of the lense and the frame..  I've not seen that in 45 yrs. And am not buying it.  I have floating dots, perhaps the onset of glocoma in my r eye.  I need to return to have my pupils dialated so they can do that test.  In May or so I got 2 pair of glasses at Site for Sore eyes.  It was so odd.  First, they were very expensive even with the coupon I bought from Amazon marketplace for $150. off.  The glasses I got were ok but that first week I misplaced them.  When I rediscovered them I was so happy.  I would never have thought to look there.

I just made so me brown rice to add scallions, eggplant, tomatoes, mushrooms and red pepper to with some feta.
The trick about dieting is never to bring the bad stuff home.  You can't eat what you don't have. There are a lot of satisfying things to snack on in those moments of mindless grazing that fill you up and are nutritionally sound.

I need to sell some looser stocks and get into AT&T. Scottrade here I come.

I made some brown rice.  Then started red peppers, onion, bok choy, garlic, and ultimately eggplant . Months ago Jack got me a set of 3 non stick pans I love to replace Revereware and Capalon.  All this time I only used the tiny one.  Today, I finally dragged out the largest.  There is nothing as delicious as veggies sautéed lightly.  I steamed the bok choy.
Yesterday when I stopped at the market red peppers were on sale, a favorite of mine.  In 2 days I've gone through 5 in addition to a jicama.  Finally, I'm eating less fruit and more veggies.  Everything's better with garlic!

I'm trying to purge stuff and am putting things aside for Goodwill, City team ministries who equip people with needed household goods.  I have towels, mats and clothes that can go along with 2 computers, an Apple and old Dell laptop whose keyboard or mouse went out.  I might like some of my old files or just to strip it all.
In this area, people recycle them regularly for the gold and what ever else is inside.  The guts are valuable.  I remember I used to know how to take them apart, add boards and drives.

I went out to trim a few errant suckers from my orange and lemon trees. Next, I need to get on the front wildflower bed.

Apple is up again yes!  Glad to have that stock.  I got it when it went public, then sold it and bought it again.

I need to do some letters. For some reason I've ween waking really early.  As a consequence I'm exhausted.

I need to be at the garage at 8.

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