Monday, September 30, 2013

Extraordinary hero

There is a short distance between an ordinary person and an extraordinary hero. What does it take to help others, to enable change?  Something's as simple as recycling, encouraging reuse or recycling of plastic bottles, as major as taking a week to build homes in Mexico or Habitat for humanity here help families.
Remember there are people here living in homeless encampments and vehicles all over the city, state country and the world no doubt.  Women in Sudan, Dafor, Ethopia especially are in need and further subjugated to defilement on a simple quest to get water and firewood.  Over half of their day is taken up roaming their drought, war ridden country for these resources.  The boy soldiers who ride around in jeeps with machine guns that rape, kill and pillage at whim not direction are being taught from childhood to devalue their spirit and human life.  The ruination of the women from gang rapes are perceived as a "Sheba" at fault from a vicious act that is about power and control.  Women and girls that are gang raped are often left with child, scared, further ostracized by their families and communities.
Help where you can.. Help how you can. It in turn inadvertently helps you. More people have cell phones than bathrooms.

I am going to volunteer to help at scarlet Hear food pantry, community closet and assist with vocational skills and resume development.  Also on my agenda is a commitment to teach ESL at the library once a week like I do with tutoring kids in Reading Partner's.  In addition, I am going up to San Francisco on Sat. To the Mission to help with an adoption fair at the SPCA.
I love the city and the Mission, a diverse Latino neighborhood.  I rarely get up there with time to explore and enjoy.

I've been out trimming my lemon tree this morning of suckers that are trying to encroach once a year again and take over it's neighboring orange tree to the L.  The one on t he R seems fine.  In the spring, I had my Gardiner cut down half of the lemon and much of the orange where it had intertwined branches.  Somehow it recovered it's massive trim and is thriving.

Plums seem better than either the peaches or nectarines I'm finding in the farmers market.  I can't seem to find the small deep violet ones I remember.  I did get a new green type this week. I like the dolmas I get at the fafallel stand.  The fafallel is ok if I add extra tomatoes and cucumber. The tiki I is delicious with yogurt, dill, and whatever else.  I like raita too.
I want to try to make pita bread, rye and matzo.

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