Sunday, September 29, 2013

Prius time for service

And recalls done.  There are 4 recall things to do.  One is the floor petal, a steering column thing, one for the seat belt and one more.  In addition, I need to get my belts done.  I'll only get the fan belt done today and come back for the others.  At least they wash my car.  I've been meaning to do that or get it don't. What is an HIV pump?  I have 3.  Who knew! That's the other thing on recall.

It's another beautiful day here about 80 with a tad of a breeze.  I prefer 70 but, it ain't bad. I appreciate the curtesy van at the Toyota dealer.  My other garage is run down and shaky but I need to ride my bike which I haven't done in 10 yrs. or catch a ride.

On the way here and for the last mo. Or so I've noticed a Homeless tent colony of about 6 tents on the side of the road and in the circle of grass next to the exit ramp.  I've been  amazed they stay there. I know that there was a large colony several miles down called the jungle.  One ex electrician even rigged up a solar shower with tarps, trash bags and heats water next to his enclosure space.  There was an article  in the paper on it.  A hard way to live.

Sometimes John and I walk from my house to the park.  When we go south towards Hellyer park, we pass an established encampment complete with furniture and chicken.  Some of the people have beds and dressers on the top of the berm next to the roD above.  It protects from the rain, is somewhat protected and you can see all around to see who is approaching.  Downtown too is another camp.

I know there is a large one I outside of Sacramento, I think.  In Santa Cruz  there is a park for drivers to park overnight.  There are a lot of homeless people.  One library patron had an RV he parked at the old GE plant.  It was empty for 10 years or so.  Then, they told him he  had to move.  He was berefit.
Rent's are $1800 for a 1 bedroom! Welcome to Silicon Valley! Imagine it used to be all cherry and plum orchards!

I made this amazing mix of fresh tomatoes, zucchini, red peppers and mushrooms with feta to serve on top of scallion brown rice.  It has wonderful and so healthy.  I snuck in avocado for dessert and an oatmeal raisin cookie I made.
I' m down 5 lbs as a result of paying attention.

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