Wednesday, November 13, 2013


This class that I have is difficult.  I don't want to face them any more.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

A long weekend

Glad to have the time off. I loved sleeping in to 9.  I've been up by 6 and at school by 7 to get grades done, work on lesson plans learn this new computer and software. Kids show at 8:30.  Yessenia is fighting for her power and makes every class a disaster.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Parent conferences

They take up a lot of time.  Is the kid supported to be there? I need to be meaner/stricter with my class.  I come home exhausted.
Now they want lesson plans and objectives just so.  I'm doing well to have any lesson plans.  I'm still having kids change seats, throw airplanes, spitballs, talk, put me through hell.  Today I started giving detention.  Long overdue.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Trying to keep up

I need to grade papers and record them, do lesson plans and give them a week ahead to the admin. Tomorrow, there are scantron tests.
Today I got a computer.  It hooks up to the Promithius board.  Grades and conferences are this week too.
I'm so ready to go at 3 I almost fall asleep grading papers or driving home. A pill and nap is a must upon hitting the door.  I worked all weekend too.
I gave a test in history.  No one could do it.  They are used to open book tests.  I gave it again open book and they still complain they can't find the answer.
During class they don't pay attention.  I'm not too old to expect that. When did every kid have to have a pass to pee?
I also have a class of marginal English students who all require a special plan. A whole lot of work.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Saturday, relaxation, finally!

Amazingly I made it through the first week! Congratulations to me!  I deserve it for service above and beyond...I hope they may have gotten straightened out a bit.  They are still acting out so they try to see how much they can get away with.  The student v teacher war continues.  After 6 others I can see how they are trying to take advantage if they can. Making spit balls, throwing airplanes, making gestures behind my back.  It sounds like animal house.  It can be but they can also do well.  They just need a routine.

I slept in a bit this morning, had my cup of tea leisurely along with my oatmeal with raspberries and blueberries.  I've got to keep those antioxidants coming in.  Believe it or not my favorite raspberries have more antioxidants in them.  I always thought it was blueberries. I'm taking a med. That makes my mouth so dry it's hard to swallow.

I thought I'd make some beef stew.  The enchiladas I made held me for last week.  I'm going to hit the .99 store too.  They have produce and a lot of items the other one doesn't.  Lacy can get her treats! Then we can hit the falafel drive inn for dinner.  I went to the dollar store before Halloween.  There were some great costumes.  I just wore my orange jump suit, not like prison, but a pinafore/jumpsuit with crossing straps, and a white shell underneath and a long sleeve shirt in a plaid to match.  It looked good in the Coldwater Creek catalog but less in real life.  That's a lot of orange.

I need to make up a history test for Mon. then a study guide for the next chapter.  Then the only other thing is to grade the vocabulary texts for ELA, my lowest class. Stephanie, who speaks no English got an 80.  I make up a completely different lesson plan for her.

It will be nice to focus on other things.

We went to the Fafallel Drive Inn.  I love that place. I get a fafallel salad and two extra pitas.  That makes 3 pita sandwiches if I add some of my lettuce, tomatoe. and cucumber.  It is so fresh and delicious.
Afterwards, we went to the .99 store.  They were low on stock, when I was here last, they had onion and bannanas.  Today though they had snap peas, shallots, cooking oil spray, but oil. Fun! No ominous though.

Friday, November 1, 2013

TGIF Dia de Los muertos, All souls day

I feel like I gave at school.  One week done! There was an abbreviated schedule today and an assembly. That helped. The kids seem to be trained in some things, walking in line to my surprise was one of them.  In the assembly too, they had good behavior.  In class I write 3 pages on one girls bad behavior, after two conferences this week, finally wrote a referral and now she goes to Sat. School.
I think in general, they may be getting better, it's questionable.  They still have their moments.

The sugar high was evident.  I confiscated a lot of candy.  The assembly was about a boat, cleaning up the campus.  The kids and each class gets points. The more points the winner gets prizes.

I greet each child individually as they enter mr room and have a comment for each of them.  That helps me connect with them.  For one small moment I can connect when they are not a part of a pact.
I need that.  They do too.  Once they get into the room the bullies and peer pressure try to bloom.

I finished grading their science  tests.  I am using an excel spreadsheet to record grades on. I need an overhead projector.  There is a white electronic board that hooks to my computer, but power point presentations are not what I want.  I fill the board with data 3 times a day.


The kids were so cute and excited and hard to control.  We agreed to postpone their tests and prep for Fri.  They were on a sugar high.  I had moments of silent working.  AgAin though big mouth Yessenia, even after 2 talks with her mom and assigning her detention today neither she or Julian went.
I have other teachers offering to take her in.  When she left class was better.  We had a brunch at school today.  I made a strata.  Most bought and brought stuff.

Today was without any pills.  I took some when I  got home.  I have these horrible back scasm's.  Today is dia de Los muertos.  I have to be tough enough to control these classes.

I wonder how these kins will do on their tests?  So far their quizzes are not good and I would think just by listing you would know the country studied is India not CA!

I slept through the alarm this morning.  I woke at 7:30 and flew out of here.

When the kids are gone I feel like I've survived the wars. They are stealing things from my desk.
Markers, pens and pencils go missing.

They were on a pre collection sugar high.